Wednesday, September 17, 2008

other links suggested by

Anti-Missionary Web Sites

(Updated January 31, '06 )

If you are interested in studying more in detail about the differences between Judaism and Christianity, choose from the lists below. It is not organized in any particular order.

Jews For Judaism an international anti-missionary organization. An extensive website.

Derech Emet: The Way of Truth (in Russian and English). Derech Emet is, in their own words, an "all-volunteer effort to save Jewish souls from deceptive missionary cults. A good and trustworthy organization.

Their Hollow Inheritance (almost a complete book for free) A great book, I recommend it. Among other things, this book offers a great deal of evidence for some rather surprising information about the origins of christianity. (Something was wrong with this site when I checked it on 1/31/06, but it seems like a temporary problem, or so I hope.)

The Truth of Judaism Among other things, this website also has loads of links to many websites and articles about the errors of christianity, and how to refute missionaries.

Messiah Truth: A Jewish Response to Missionary Groups. An overview of some of the more important issues, scattered with a gazillion links to very good sites.

Outreach Judaism bringing back Jews from the Church

Torah Life And Living: The Emergency Room for Jewish Souls.
A site by professionals dedicated to anti-cult work and anti-missionary work. They provide help if a family member has been seduced by a cult, and Exit Counseling for those who themselves are or have been in cults.

Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth
How Christianity inherited monotheism, Heaven, Hell, the Holy Ghost, the sacrificed savior son of god, resurrection, baptism and the Eucharist from ancient pagan religions.
Sites I have seen but have looked at only briefly:

Shomrai HaBrit-Keepers of the Covenant

Ask Lazer: Judaism & Christianity, Questions and Answers

The Counter-Missionary Homepage

Project Truth: Response to Christian missionaries.

Some articles at Aish HaTorah about this subject.


We Are Not Going To Burn in Hell: A Jewish Response to Christianity

Chana Cox's web page

Kersey Graves: The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors Mostly good, but check out his sources, because some people say he is inaccurate at times.

Meira OnlineThis link to Questions and Answers about My Spiritual Journey to Judaism is apparently also part of it, though I can't find the link to it from her actual website.

Anti-Missionary Study Hall

Ex-Jews for jesus web siteThis is not actually an anti-missionary site. It is a site dedicated to bringing healing for those who have been hurt by spiritually abusive groups such as Jews for Jesus by providing support and resources.

Cultic Studies: Information about Cults and Psychological Manipulation

Why don't Jews Believe in jesus? and many other relevant articles.

Antimissionary.OrgA small site.

Torah Media A series of on-line audio lectures with step-by-step guides for refuting missionaries. This is only one of the lecture series they have available on Jewish topics.

Judaism and why **NOT** Jesus See also their Counter Missionary Resources page

The #1 Counter Missionary Site, or at least that's what they call themselves. I'm not sure this site adds much of use to the mix (and I've already listed here any good links they provide), but they might add something more some time. So it pays to keep an eye on this site.

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