Wednesday, September 17, 2008

verses they take out of context and misinterpret

Go to this page and they will link you to the jewish view of these passages

Prophecies Used by Missionaries and the Jewish Interpretation based on the original Hebrew texts:


Genesis 3:13-15 Isaiah 7:14 Psalm 2:2, 6-8
Genesis 18-19 Isaiah 9:6-7 Psalm 16:10
Exodus 17:15 Isaiah 11:1-2 Psalm 22
Numbers 9:12 Isaiah 42:1-4 and 42:6 Psalm 40:6-8
Deuteronomy 18:15,18,19 Isaiah 43:3 Psalm 41:9
Deuteronomy 21:23 Isaiah 48:16 Psalm 69:22
Isaiah 49:6 Psalm 88
Isaiah 50:6 Psalm 89:27, 28-30
Isaiah 52:3 Psalm 110:1
Isaiah 52:10 Ezra 3:8
Isaiah 52-53
Isaiah 61:1-2
Jeremiah 31:30-33
Hosea 11:1
Micah 5:2
Zechariah 3:8-10
Zechariah 6:9-13
Zechariah 9:9
Zechariah 12:10
Zecheriah 13:7

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